Queremos dar as grazas a tódalas persoas que comparten as súas marabillosas ideas na rede, así coma a aqueles que ofrecen xenerosamente os resultados de moito traballo e esforzo en forma de actividades, vídeos, etc.

"A cooperación é a convicción de que ningúen pode chegar á meta se non chegan todos" . Virginia Burden

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012


This year “Seccións Blingües” have been awarded to our school. This means that in second and fourth levels of Primary Eduacion Arts and Crafts subject will be conducted in English and Galician languages (50%).
            So, in addition to the strengthening the English language in the clasroom, students will learn vocabulary and specific expressions.
            During the first term we will work on Kandinsky, a Russian painter who seems to be very interesting for its treatment of colors and shapes. Later, we will continue working on Fall Colors.
            We have uploaded in the second cycle blog photographs showing the work of children in the fourth level; each student made his own interpretation of the picture “Squares and concentric circles”. You are about artists!!


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